Updates - February 24 - 29
Improved Diet
'Tayarisha tumbo' which means 'get your tummies ready' has been the new slogan for the learners after the catering team decided to take things a notch higher. Post-mid-term has been an exciting experience for the kids and staff in matters meals. We made changes to the menu and introduced new dishes.
Fish and Ugali will be served for lunch on Tuesdays and Chapati every Thursday. Teachers were also not left behind in this. In addition to their 10 o'clock tea, they'll each be having a piece of cake. Feedback from children and teachers is that preparation of the Meals has been excellent. To make the food more healthy vegetables such as eggplants and zucchini are used to make the food more nutritious.
Music Festival
The Kenya Music Festivals are around the corner, and preparations for the same have already kicked off. Peterson Abuga, who was the trainer last year, will be taking the participants through this year as well. Teachers Lucy and Justus will assist him. This year, the school will register to participate in Class 100 - Nursery Solo Boy/Girl (3-5 yrs) Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, Class 236 - set piece for lower primary' Give me a Kite' and own compositions under classes 238, 267 and 268.
Teacher's Assessment
On Wednesday the 26th of February, we received two assessors Kenya Institute of Special Education. They assessed special needs learners in our school gave suggestions to their teachers' on strategies they can use to improve learners' performance. They also commented positively on the pupils' discipline and learning environment that is the availability of learning resources and modern classrooms.
On Thursday the 27th, the PP1 teachers were assessed as well.
"I thank all the people who came in to support and help us during the assessment to ensure it was a success. There was a lot of teamwork and support witnessed, and I am personally so very grateful and humbled by the kind gesture," intimated Teacher Linda Opiche, a PP1 Class teacher.