Update on Kevin
Thanks to donations from our partners and friends, I am pleased inform that we were able to meet all the expenses Kevin incurred at the hospital. Of the total US$1,140 bill, Kevin’s family raised US$185, National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) gave US$310 and we (HoL) contributed US$232 and Through the intervention of the gracious Dr. Abel and Mrs. Nkanai doctors waived their fees and that way we got a discount of US$413. We are glad that everything came together nicely and we were able to get the money paid. We are especially grateful to Mrs. Nkanai – the hospital administrator - who went out of her way to ensure NHIF got involved and Dr. Abel who spoke to fellow doctors to waive their fees.
By the time, we were closing school November last year Kevin was making steady progress towards recovery and he had started to regain vision in the affected eye (he could make out motion) but sadly when we came back for this year he seems to have regressed. Even his general state of health is not all that good. We want to take him back to hospital but this has been hindered by an ongoing national strike by doctors.