Tr Lucy
Her Grade 1 class has 21 students: 11 boys and 10 girls. Their average age is between 6-7 years old. She is also in charge of sports and coordinating with one of the school’s local partners: ACAKORO, a community-based sports organization.
Tr. Lucy’s journey as a teacher is different since her call to teach came silently and against her dream of nursing. Her aunt persuaded her on taking up a teaching career to the extent of signing her up at a teaching college against her wishes. She completed her college studies but couldn’t find a teaching job and ended up as a traveling saleswoman. The job did not provide enough to stabilize her life so, in 2012, she applied as a teacher at Hands of Love where she got a job.
A career that seemed impossible became her life commitment. Tr. Lucy has been a teacher since then. Through support from the school, she successfully completed further studies in special needs education. Thanks to Hands of Love, she has since stabilized herself. Throughout her teaching career, Tr. Lucy can provide education for her 6-year-old daughter, Hawi, and support her extended family living upcountry.