The 2023 Graduation Ceremony was a Success!
We held a graduation ceremony for Pre Primary 2 Class last Friday. It was a joyous event to commemorate the accomplishments of the graduating class.
On Friday, October 27, 2023, we held our annual graduation ceremony. The ceremony was a joyous occasion, celebrating the accomplishments of our preschoolers who graduated from preschool to primary school.
The ceremony - which was held at Kariobangi Nursery, a neighbouring catholic owned Pre-school - began with a procession of the graduating class, who were dressed in their graduation gowns and caps.
(We are grateful to Kariobangi Nursery for letting us use their grounds and facilities for free again this year.)
The students then performed a dance presentation, which was both entertaining and heartwarming. Other students from other classes also made presentations, which included a mix of traditional and modern dances.
The ceremony was presided over by the children welfare officer, Ruaraka district. He gave a speech in which he congratulated the graduating class and praised the teachers and staff of Hands of Love for their dedication and hard work. He also spoke about the importance of education and how it can help children to achieve their dreams.
The ceremony concluded with the presentation of diplomas to the graduating class. The students were beaming with pride as they received their diplomas, and their families and friends were cheering and clapping in support. In total 47 students graduated and will be joining Grade 1 next year. Hands of Love currently has 176 students.
It was a truly memorable day for all involved, and it was a fitting celebration of the accomplishments of the graduating classÂ
We are grateful to our supporters in Kenya, Italy, and the USA, whose support throughout the year allowed us to conclude the year successfully and make the graduation ceremony possible.