Hands of Love Teachers Graduate
Inclusive education for students with disabilities remains a priority in our school. We adopt different strategies to do this including enrolling more students with disabilities and offering welfare support to their families. We also provide training opportunities to our teachers and parents towards providing special education. Teachers Justus and Lucy were supported in getting training on special needs education and on November 19th 2021, they graduated with a diploma in Special Needs Education from the Kenya Institute of Special Education.
Tr. Justus is the class teacher for Grade 1A and teaches music as well. Tr. Lucy is the class teacher of Grade 1B. She also coordinates our engagement with a community sports organization: ACAKORO which supports our students in sports.
We are committed to providing training to our teachers, parents and the community on inclusive education. Since July 2021, we have partnered with the US embassy in providing 50 parents and teachers with training on special needs education. six teachers from our school are taking part in the 6-month training. These are significant achievements for us in our mission of improving access to education for students with disabilities.