Fourth Graders Visit Nairobi Museum & Snake Park
On Saturday March 25, 2016 our 4th graders had a memorable trip to the Nairobi Museum and Snake Park. The aim of the trip was to complement and reinforce what the children have learnt this term.
History of Kenya Gallery
They visited four galleries where they learnt the history of Kenya from pre-colonial times, to colonial and post-independence era; and cultural practices of various Kenyan communities plus the artifacts used in such practices in the past and today. They also learnt about mammals, birds and evolution of man.
Hall of Mammals
The highlight of the trip was a visit to the snake park where the kids got to see different types of snakes, crocodiles, alligator, turtles, tortoises, and fishes. With the help of a knowledge guide the kids had a very immersive experience in this section. As their teachers they did us very proud by engaging the guide and asking very intelligent questions.
Snake Park
Boniface Kulova
We hope that we will be able to have more field trips in the future so that we can continue to broaden the educational experience for our kids. This trips are also important on a different level, our kids come from disadvantaged backgrounds and are less likely to have visits to museums and other cultural institutions if the centre does not offer them.