Back to school
It’s now back to school after a long school break!
Yesterday, the first day of school this year, 71 children showed up, and today 114 were present. We hope that the long break allowed our children the much-required rest and that they are now fully psyched up for what we have in store for them this term.
Last year ended with our grade two students leaving Hands of Love. As the school community, we enjoyed every moment shared with them. We can only hope that the next step will bring more joy into their lives and open greater doors for them. We follow up on our children even after they leave Hands of Love and we will make a point of updating on their progress. We wish them success in all their endeavors going forward.
It is always a joy for us as teachers to watch kids grow and learn new things. Through loving and caring for our children we hope that they will grow up to be well-mannered, vibrant and healthy children who are all-rounded.
Most of our children got time to visit their grandparents over the holidays. For this first month, we plan on featuring a few of their up-country tales, so make sure to check on our school website for some good read!